Avian Blends
Dr. Harvey’s All-Natural Bird Foods are simply unparalleled. These blends are the ultimate in avian diets for companion birds of all sizes.
Perfect Parrot Blend
Natural Food for Large Parrots
Dr. Harvey’s Perfect Parrot Food is the perfect daily all natural bird food for larger parrots. This all natural parrot food made with an amazing variety of whole nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables...
Exotic Parrot Blend
Natural Food for Parrots - No Seed
Dr. Harvey's Exotic Blend is a seedless blend for large parrots. Exotic Blend uses only whole foods including vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs and bee pollen. This unique blend combines everything n...
Colossal Cockatiel Blend
Natural Food for Cockatiels
Dr. Harvey's Whole Foods for Birds are perfect blends for companion birds. Dr. Harvey's uses nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits and herbs in unique blends that combine to give your companion bird the ...
Our Best Parakeet Blend
Natural Food for Parakeets
Our Best Parakeet Food is a wonderful blend of nuts, fruits, seeds, vegetables and herbs made specifically for parakeets. This blend is so plentiful in vitamins and minerals and the appropriate am...
Incredible Canary Blend
Natural Food for Canaries
Dr. Harvey’s Incredible Canary Food is the perfect blend of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and herbs. This mix provides optimal nutrition for all canaries. As with all of Dr. Harvey’s Avian Blends...
Fabulous Finch Blend
Natural Food for Finches
This blend is perfect for finches. Dr. Harvey's Whole Foods for Birds use nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits and herbs in unique blends that combine to give your companion bird the balanced nutrition ...