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Low-Phosphorus Dog Foods

Phosphorus is in many foods, so it’s often difficult to limit the intake of this mineral while still providing a well-balanced diet for your dog. Dr. Harvey’s realized this was a significant problem, particularly for dogs with health issues requiring lower phosphorus levels. To support these needs, we came up with a variety of low-phosphorus dog food options, such as:

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What Is Phosphorus?

Phosphorus is an essential mineral that works with calcium to maintain and improve the health of a dog’s bones and teeth. It can also work with other minerals and enhance a variety of functions within the body, like metabolism.

Examples of foods that contain high phosphorus levels include:

  • Chicken breast
  • Whole Eggs
  • Whole wheat
  • Most fresh fish
  • Salmon
  • Bones
  • Organ meats

Understanding Phosphorus and Kidney Health

When discussing kidney health, it’s important to understand that kidneys play a key role in maintaining balance in the body, which includes filtering waste from the bloodstream.

There are two kinds of challenges to kidney health: acute and chronic. Acute challenges might occur following an incident such as accidental ingestion of something harmful. Chronic challenges often relate to a gradual change in kidney function, which can occur as part of the natural aging process.

Phosphorus management is an important aspect of supporting kidney health. This is because kidneys play a role in processing and removing excess minerals from the body. When the kidneys are not functioning at their optimal level, it can lead to an imbalance of phosphorus in the body, which could put additional stress on your dog’s kidneys.

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What Foods Are Low in Phosphorus?

Many fruits and vegetables are low in phosphorus, making them excellent additions to your dog’s diet. Some of the best options include:

Carrots (raw, cooked, or canned)
Celery (raw or cooked)
Kale (dried or steamed)
Cauliflower (roasted, raw, steamed)
Cabbage (raw or cooked)
Cucumber (raw or cooked)
Collards (cooked)
Ripe tomatoes (raw or cooked)
Lettuce (raw or cooked)
Bell peppers (raw or steamed)
Beets (raw or cooked)

Radishes (raw or cooked)
Green beans (raw or steamed)
Broccoli (raw or cooked)
Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
Pineapple (fresh or frozen)
Mango (fresh or frozen)
Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
Unsweetened applesauce
Peaches (fresh or frozen, never canned)

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About Dr. Harvey’s Low-Phosphorus Dog Food

Dr. Harvey’s product line includes a variety of low-phosphorus dog food base mixes, customizable for your fur baby’s needs and preferences. You can choose how much meat is in each meal, helping to protect your pup from excess phosphorus.

When considering your dog’s kidney health, it’s advised to use our base mixes rather than our complete food options. This approach provides more flexibility to manage the phosphorus content in your dog’s diet, as phosphorus management is a key aspect of supporting kidney health.

Try one of Dr. Harvey’s delicious dog food base mixes today!