Change To An All-Natural Dog Food
Yes. It is true. Many dogs experience significant improvements in their well-being just by changing foods. We have seen the remarkable enhancement in overall health when preservatives and chemicals are removed from animal diets.
Allergies in Dogs are More and More Common
Allergies in dogs have become a very common concern. Many guardians are perplexed to find that their companions become reactive to many different foods. It is challenging to find a daily food that supports overall well-being while still providing the essential nutrition that is necessary for optimal health.
A Change in Diet Can Support:
- Comfort from Itching
- Healthy Skin
- Reduced Scratching
- Skin Comfort
- Digestive Health

First Eliminate ALL Preservatives and Chemical Additives
We have found that feeding an all-natural diet, completely free of dyes and preservatives, is important for supporting overall health and well-being. Many times dogs appear to be less reactive when these additives are eliminated. This means totally removing ALL preservatives from the diet, including those in food, treats, and supplements. In addition, with Canine Health and Veg-to-Bowl, you have total control over the type of protein that you add and can choose proteins that best suit your dog’s needs.
The Holistic Approach to Supporting Health-Feeding All-Natural Dog Food
Dr. Harvey believes that health issues should be addressed with a holistic approach. That means looking at the whole body, diet, environment, mental, and emotional aspects. When it comes to supporting health, we have seen this holistic approach be beneficial. Start by eliminating the obvious toxins in your dog’s food and environment and feed your dog healthy, fresh, preservative-free foods without dyes or coloring agents. Eliminate ALL preservatives from your dog’s diet. Give the new diet a few weeks to support the body’s natural balance.
Foods to Support Allergy Health
Canine Health and Veg-to-Bowl are excellent choices for a holistic approach to supporting overall health and well-being. Remember to provide fresh spring or distilled water at all times. Ensure that all treats and supplements are also preservative-free.
Helping your dog may be as easy as changing his or her diet. Learn how easy it can be to stop itching, scratching and rashes. Answers may be one click away.