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Pet Wellness

Paws and Hydrate: A Love Story On the Benefits of Water for Pups and the People Who Love Them

November 04, 2024 - 3 minute read by Lori Carscadden

Blog 240111 Hydration

Our story begins with wellness 101: What's the number one suggestion for anyone looking to get into a healthy routine? Drink your water! Any way you slice it, HYDRATION is the star of the show.

Water hydration is so crucial for both dogs and their people as water is a vital component of the body. It plays such an important role in overall balance and harmony. Make sure you both have plenty of fresh water available each and every day so you can both stick around for the second act!

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration – how do I love thee? Let us count the ways!

  • Flushes out toxins – Water plays a major role in the body's overall detoxification process, filtering and eliminating unwanted waste.

  • Lubricates joints - Water works as a lubricant which reduces bone friction and decreases orthopedic pain.

  • Supports muscle function - Water helps muscles relax more efficiently, working in tandem with the joints, to help reduce strain.

  • Bolsters immunity - Water helps carry immune cells throughout the body so they can fight infection.

  • Reduces inflammation - Water helps maintain the body's fluid balance by transporting vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. This can help neutralize harmful free radicals that may trigger an inflammatory response.

  • Prevents infections – Drinking plenty of water helps flush bacteria from the urinary tract more frequently before they have a chance to multiply and cause infection.

A dog drinking water from a water fountain

  • Prevents stones – Drinking plenty of water helps dilute the urine, making it less likely to form crystals and stones, which can sometimes occur when the urine is more concentrated.

  • Wound healing – Proper hydration aids in the body's natural healing process. Regulates body temperature – Water can help ensure proper blood circulation by keeping things moving! It also replenishes natural resources by replacing the fluid lost through sweating. Little known fact: Dogs sweat through their paw pads to cool down (along with panting, of course).

  • Assists in digestion – Water is a key component in digestive juices which helps break down food. Dogs especially thrive with a moisture-rich diet, as their digestive systems are not really designed to eat dry, rock-type fake food (such as processed kibble).

  • Prevents constipation – Proper hydration ensures the digestive system can properly move waste through the intestines smoothly.

  • Maintains healthy skin (and coat) – Adequate water intake keeps the skin hydrated, which maintains the hair follicles and gives us that healthy glow. When skin is properly hydrated, it produces natural oils to moisturize and maintain shine.

Why is hydration so crucial for our overall health and well-being?

Let's peek behind the curtain at the opposite.

Enter the villain of our story: Dehydration (cue the boos)

Dehydration can lead to:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramping
  • Acid reflux
  • Brain fog and confusion
  • Dry, dull skin
  • More serious health concerns

A dog eating out of a bowl

So take a drink and take a bow.

Here's to the amazing benefits of hydration for both you and your furry friend. By making hydration a priority, you'll not only enhance your health and happiness but also strengthen the unbreakable Human/Canine bond you share.

ENCORE: How can we help?

Discovering the perfect food for your pup is an essential part of maintaining their optimal care. Reach out to us directly via email at [email protected] or give us a call at 866-362-4123. We are happy to help you choose the best food for your pup!

About The Author

Lori Carscadden

Lori Carscadden is a Canine Behaviorist certified in Canine Nutrition with a specialized focus on kidney health. She additionally holds a Masters Degree in Humane Education, as well as, a Bachelor's Degree in Humane Leadership. As a lifelong learner, Lori is currently obtaining her doctorate in Human/Canine Connections, also known as Anthrozoology.