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Why I Choose Dr. Harvey's Organic Healing Cream

August 27, 2015 - 5 minute read by The Team at Dr. Harvey's

A Dog and His Boy

This is a recent blog post from dog blogger and Dr. Harvey’s Brand Ambassador Bernard Lima-Chavez. In a recent post from his blog, A Dog and His Boy, “Why I Choose Dr. Harvey’s Organic Healing Cream”, he discusses his remarkable first experience when he used Dr. Harvey’s Healing Cream on one of his dog’s wounds. We love this blog and its honest perspective on being a pet parent. Bernard is also a spokesperson and advocate for deaf dogs.

You can read his blog here A Dog And His Boy

Bernard and Edison

Why I Choose Dr. Harvey’s Organic Healing Cream

Deaf or not, bully breed dogs occupy a special place in my heart. They are the most passionate, loyal, affectionate and hilariously funny dogs in the whole wide entire world. They are lovable clowns who want nothing more than to sit in your lap, lay on your head and lick the inner workings of your ear. Oh, and rocks. They love rocks.

Living with a bully dog is different than living with other dogs. Their brain works differently. They have quirks. They’re both special and “special”.

For one thing, they’re very verbal, especially during play. That bass voice rumbles and thunders and every once in a while erupts into a bark. Their spinning and body slamming is punctuated by lip pulling and ear nibbles. Play time is noisy, it’s rambunctious and it cracks me up.

Bullies also love to run- usually head-first into something. Shrubs, trees, fences, walls, doors, my husband’s knee; these are not obstacles but rather challenges to meet, and my money is on the dog.

The downside here is an endless parade of minor cuts, bruises and superficial lacerations that appear out of nowhere. Literally. I can walk into the kitchen for another glass of “juice” and return to an injured yet smiling dog. Every week, it seems, at least one of them has a minor injury of unknown cause.

I Find the Wound and Take a Before Shot

Two weeks ago, I noticed an injury under Foster’s left front leg. It was red, slightly inflamed and scabbed over. Nothing major and nothing unusual here at Deaf Dog Central. Fortunately, I had a jar of Dr. Harvey’s Organic Healing Cream waiting for an opportunity to test it, so I did.

Here is a photograph of the injury the night I discovered it.

healing cream before

The After Photo-Injury? What Injury?

Normally, I would clean an injury with chlorohexidine before applying a cream or ointment, but I wanted to see just how effective Dr. Harvey’s Organic Healing Cream was at being a natural first-aid cream. I applied the ointment twice a day, every day for 5 days. I did not clean it with chlorhexidine or any other antimicrobial cleanser.

Here is a photo after 5 days.

Healing cream after

Why Ingredients are So Important to Me

As a pet parent and deaf dog blogger who integrates a holistic approach to wellness, I try to support my dogs and their medical needs naturally. Having a company like Dr. Harvey’s available helps me achieve and maintain good health for my dogs in a completely natural way. The results were incredible but I looked deeper at the ingredients to understand why it worked.

The Organic Healing Cream includes:

  • Organic Shea Butter. The base of Dr. Harvey’s Organic Healing Cream is Shea butter, which is rich in Vitamins A, E and F.
  • Organic Aloe Vera Extract is used in lots of human products and offers the same benefits to dogs. It’s natural, cooling, soothing and healing.
  • Organic Calendula Extract is an excellent anti-inflammatory that also has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • Propolis Extract is harvested from beehives and provides anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits.
  • Organic Thyme Extract is a wonderful naturally occurring antiseptic which is important in promoting healing.
  • Tea Tree Oil is another natural antiseptic that also offers pain relief
  • Organic Rosemary Extract is another good antiseptic and pain reliever.
  • It also contains Organic Goldenseal Extract, Organic Chamomile Extract, Organic Comfrey Extract and Stillingia Extract

My New Favorite Thing

Healing Product image

My new favorite way to treat minor bully dog “brotherly love scars” is with Dr. Harvey’s Organic Healing Cream. It’s an all-purpose first-aid cream that is safe for both dogs and cats. It’s made of ten all natural, organic plants and herbs in a base of Shea butter. It provides pain relief, reduces itching and promotes healing, and I swear by this stuff!

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