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Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Diet" & Dr. Harvey's

July 11, 2010 - 1 minute read by The Staff at Dr. Harvey's

Alicia Silverstone is a woman with a message. She is an advocate for animals and animal rescue and has strong views on diet and nutrition. Her wonderful and informative book The Kind Diet helps everyone to examine their food intake and helps to move us towards a totally meatless diet without being judgmental. She has patience with those of us who need to take our time to make such changes. She outlines how to move towards a vegan lifestyle and how it has benefited her on a personal level.

A Fan of Dr. Harvey’s

Alicia’s book has almost an entire page on how to feed pets. She has been a proponent of Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health for many years and she generously mentions this in the book.

Recently she reiterated how she feeds her own animals with Dr. Harvey’s in a blog post on her Kind LIfe Website

We thought we would share the book and Alicia’s active website with you. We thought you would want to read her blog. There are many helpful tips for finding a healthy lifestyle in her writings and her blog is very active. While you may not agree with everything she has to say, there is much to learn by reading about all that she has experienced and how she feels about animals.